Beach Buggy Racing coming to Xbox One and PS4

Vector Unit announced today that Beach Buggy Racing will be coming to Xbox One and PlayStation4 this spring.

The console version of BBR will be a paid game, which means the free to play economy design from mobile has been ripped out and completely retuned to make the game a proper premium title.  There are no tickets, no ads, and players start the game with all 25 powerups unlocked from the start.

Of course the console version will also feature improved graphics like more detailed environments, up-rezzed textures and car models, and screen space effects like ambient occlusion.  And all of this will run at a buttery smooth 60fps at 1080p.  

Oh, and did we mention split screen?  Both consoles will feature the awesome split screen local multiplayer that makes BBR so deliciously fun.  And the Xbox One version will support split screen for up to 6 local players!

Beach Buggy Racing will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in mid April.